Friday, January 31, 2020

The Power of Thoughts: Part 1

Originally published December 2011
Do you remember that movie that came out a few years ago called The Secret?  It spoke of this miraculous Law of Attraction that we all have to abide by and all have equal access to.  I think it was a silly movie in terms of the way it was put together and how it focused on materialism.  I suppose that’s how it managed to get so much attention.
Anyways, I read about the Law of Attraction years ago in a place I don’t even recall.  Then I heard Oprah talking about how she absolutely believed in it.  Then I read about other ways people describe the same idea or force in nature.  Deepak Chopra, whose books I find really insightful, talks about this law as well.  When I tried to simplify it I saw that it seemed like common sense.  It’s just that everyone makes it sound so mysterious.
In the movie, The Secret, they say to think about what you want.  If you want more money, visualize checks coming in the mail.  Don’t think about how you don’t want more bills or how you don’t want to be broke because your mind will only gather that which you are obsessing about, bills and being broke and you will only “attract” more of that.  So instead, imagine receiving checks.  Feel all the associated feelings involved in actually receiving a check.  Feel gratitude.  Feel happy.  A year ago, I was talking to my husband about how I felt the movie explained that in a very superficial way.  And in doing so, who knows how many people were alienated from the overall powerful message?
My little brother has provided me a really great example of the power of thoughts in these last few years.  A couple years ago, he got into learning about guitars.  Electric guitars.  He spent time reading about the different types and branched out into learning about the equipment, terminologies, artists, and so on.  It looked like your typical passing childhood obsession.  A funny thing happened though.  Without really being a guitar player he began proclaiming that he was going to be an awesome guitar player.  I think he was like 9 or 10.  It’s hard to take a kid brother seriously so I thought, “aw how cute” and assumed this was a temporary interest.  He was so “into” his dream that he never stopped learning, he told everyone who crossed his path about his interest, and he made us all listen to his beginner playing.  He seemed to believe he had already made it and enjoyed playing for others.  He aligned his entire being with this goal which prompted my dad to buy him a guitar and my mom to enter him into a music lab for students, where they learn about music and are able to use recording equipment.  Fast forward a few years later, multiple concerts, dozens of appearances in local clubs and restaurants, play performances, mentions in the local paper, supporters and fans, constantly improving guitar playing, and friendships with well known artists.  He just turned 13.  I firmly believe he is “attracting” his dream by constantly thinking about it and therefore having the motivation to constantly learn about it and practice for it.   And this is just the very beginning of his story.
Back to a year ago when I was talking to my husband.  We talked about my little brother and how he really was a clear, non mystical example of how this works, I proclaimed that I was going to get checks in the mail.  Alex looked at me funny.  It seemed crazy.  A year ago we were having a tough time with bills and it was so uncomfortable.  So I started pretending in my mind that I had enough money and feeling how good it felt to not have to worry about not having enough.  Keeping this thought in my head and associating positive feelings with it pushed me to do something about it.  Positivity breads action whereas negativity breads procrastination and paralysis.  I wrote down my strengths and weaknesses and I thought about how I could be of use.  In a month I managed to get some part time work that I could handle from home and still stay with the kids.  Not only was this work something I enjoy but it  provided the exact amount we needed to make due without any extra help this entire year.  Checks literally came each month in the mail and I couldn’t help but think, “ohh, I get it!”
How might any of this relate to diabetes?  I think that too many of us get caught up thinking “I can’t do this” or “my blood sugars won’t cooperate” or “good blood sugar control is impossible” or “if only…”. etc.  I think that as natural as those feelings are, they are also really destructive.  If we can manage to turn our thoughts around and focus on what we DO want more of, such as great health, better blood sugar management, the ability to afford what we need, courage to live healthier,  help when we need it, and doctors that listen, I think we will experience more of those things.  We will “attract” or welcome more positive opportunities into our lives as people with diabetes.  The times I have felt hopeless are the times my thoughts (like recently) have spiraled down into negative ones.  It happens, but it’s time to turn those around and believe in more good things and in a better everything.
Remember what Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right”.
Keep your mind focused on good and positive things.  Don’t see misfortune, see opportunity.
Have a great weekend.

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