Friday, January 31, 2020

Self-Esteem Tips for People With Diabetes

Originally published January 2012
It’s “Fabulous Friday” again and I’m working hard to focus these days on self love and respect.  Cheesy?  Maybe…but it’s an effective way to get a grip on the emotional problems we have.  And since those of us with health issues like diabetes have plenty of emotional stressors to deal with, working towards self love is very worthwhile.
A crucial element of self love is a strong self esteem.  None of us love ourselves all of the time but some of us rarely love ourselves.  Either way most of us could use some reminders on how to strengthen our self esteem:
– Live with integrity
Work towards being honest, just, respectful, understanding, patient, and compassionate.
-Don’t be a pushover
Always stand up for yourself when you need to.  You are not below anyone and your needs are important.
-Try to think positive more than negative
This will become more of a habit with time and practice and will greatly support your mental and emotional health.
-Set your bar high
Don’t expect too little from yourself, you are fantastic and capable and amazing!
-Be responsible for your thoughts, feelings, and actions
By owning what comes out of you, you will become empowered with awareness and this will help you live a life within your standards and values.
-Build your life around your personal values
Try to work where you feel you’re not compromising your values.  Be in relationships that don’t pressure you to compromise your values.
-Belong to a community that is supportive of your goals for yourself
Like the DOC!
-Keep in touch with what you need and try to get it
Do you need to lose weight?  Start with a plan and steps you will take to get there and take it slow.  Do you need more emotional support from your spouse?  Sit down with them and calmly explain what you would like from them.  Do you feel like your diabetes is out of control?  Ask for help.  It’s ok to feel this way only you don’t want to feel this way for very long.  Fight to get what you deserve, like good health.
-Surround yourself with family that supports you whether they are blood related or not
Let’s face it, sometimes the family we were born into is not the family that we would have chosen.  While it’s important to give of yourself and help others, it’s also important to spend time with people with whom you feel safe and accepted.
-Lastly, forgive yourself.
You are human and will make many, many mistakes before your time on earth has ended.  When you forgive yourself you’re not letting yourself off the hook, you’re just acknowledging that you are worthy of love and compassion.  When we forgive ourselves we find it much easier to start the next day with a clean slate.

Have a great weekend!

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